2018-07-27 - Langley Laps


~6.8 mi @ ~12.6 min/mi

"I see no ribbon!" says K2, closing her eyes to the yellow barrier across the stairs.

"It just says 'CAUTION' - not 'DO NOT CROSS' - and that means we can go ahead!" rules K-Rex. The Dawn Patrol skirts muddy construction work to reach the track behind Langley High School. Cotton-candy sunrise gives a pastel sugar-rush to distant clouds.

"Adults over 60 are free!" observes Roadkill on the sign at the stadium entrance, and celebrates liberty by dashing a lap (1:39) around the oval. A plaque acknowledging stadium donors is led by $100,000 contributors. Good to be on a world of wealth and generosity.

"My sweatband needs a sweatband!" Humidity is high, though temperatures are lower than they were earlier this week. On the way to the former Kennedy family mansion at Hickory Hill we spy a shy bunny and a couple of spotted fawns. Later two more pairs of deer munch the bushes. The crushed-stone track at Cooper Middle School lures us off course for a bonus lap.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-08-16